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In this section you will find all the daily tracking files of auctions I have documented over the years from 2012 to present excluding EM pins.These files are treated in another manner exclusively in the Pin section of the site. All other genres & manufacturers are listed in these files below. Any sold EM games besides pins, are labled with a tracking number as they were recorded during that time. The line number on every game corralates to its tracking. Example: Line# 234 Haunted House / Bally of the 2014 tracking file = the 1st year in that file 2014 + line number 234 equals "2014234". This is the actual "Tracking Number" of the file you're looking for and assigned to that particular game auction. The tracking number is particularly helpful when you're looking up the details of a game auction as it happened live. This is very important in effort to track the bulk of existing games, document final sales and maintain clear consistency in the free market. Copyright 2025

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